How might 3D-printed earth scale-up the advantages of ecological building?

Changing conditions are leading to more communities relocating and/or rebuilding. Even in comparatively advantaged societies, buildings are becoming uninsurable. This will likely exacerbate competition for urgent finance and long-term investment,

Successive IPCC reports are unequivocal. There’s an urgent need to fast-track the technologies and processes which help make Climate Resilient Development (CRD) desirable, affordable and scalable.

One alternative, computational design with additive manufacturing (3D-printing) has automated construction, increasing its adaptability.

For the architects of resilient communities, 3D-printing with local earth and biomaterials also scales the benefits of natural-building e.g. sustainability, healthful spaces and interdependence with nature.

Regulating the performance of 3D-printable natural materials for habitable buildings will take a minute. During this process projects will explore its application in the landscape. Culture and resilience expressed in place, as vibrant 3D-printed earthen structures.